About Us
The Cherry Creek Basin Water Quality Authority (Authority) is tasked by Colorado’s Legislature with preserving, protecting and enhancing the water quality of Cherry Creek and Cherry Creek Reservoir, and achieving and maintaining water quality standards for the reservoir and watershed.
In addition, the Authority was designated by the Governor as a Federal Clean Water Act Section 208 Management Agency.
The Authority Board includes representatives from the following:

- Arapahoe and Douglas Counties.
- The City of Aurora, City of Castle Pines, Town of Castle Rock, City of Centennial, Foxfield, City of Greenwood Village, City of Lone Tree, and the Town of Parker.
- One member representing the seven special districts providing wastewater services in the Authority’s boundaries (Arapahoe Water and Wastewater Authority, Cottonwood Water and Sanitation District, Inverness Water and Sanitation District, Meridian Metropolitan District, Parker Water and Sanitation District, Pinery Water and Sanitation District, and Stonegate Village Metropolitan District).
- Seven citizens representing environmental, economic and sporting interests, appointed by the Governor. Interested in serving? https://www.colorado.gov/governor/boards-commissions-application
Funded primarily through property tax (see the Budget), the Authority is required to spend at least 60% of its revenues on the construction and maintenance of pollution abatement projects that improve water quality in Cherry Creek and the Cherry Creek Reservoir.
Since 1985 the Authority has:
- Conducted extensive water quality monitoring of Cherry Creek, its tributaries, the alluvium, and the Reservoir. Details may be found, in the Authority’s current Sampling & Analysis Plan, on the CCBWQA Data Portal and in the Library.
- Worked with land use agencies, Cherry Creek State Park, and other partners to adopt appropriate regulations and individually or as a partner, built “Pollutant Reduction Facilities” and other water quality improvements. Details may be found in the Library.
- Developed and updated models for both the Reservoir and the Watershed that help understand and predict water quality.
- Reviewed site applications for Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Facilities and ancillary infrastructure, wastewater utility plans, and land use and development applications
- Developed a multi-year Capital Improvement Project (CIP) plan, which can be found in the Budget.
- In coordination with the Cherry Creek Stewardship Partners (http://www.cherry-creek.org/) developed information and education programs about water quality.